1a) 0:00 – 6:00 – Every 1:00 x 6 sets:

Station 1 – 20 seconds/side Side Plank Hold

Station 2 – 10 Alternating Shoulder Plank Taps + 5 Pause Overhead Squats

Station 3 – 3x Snatch Pull + High Hang Power Snatch + Low Hang Snatch

Athletes in Move/Power warm-up with a PVC pipe, athletes in Sport/Comp warm-up with a Barbell.

1b) 11:00 – 18:00 – Every 1:00 x 7 sets: 5 Supinated Bent Over Barbell Rows

Start at a moderate load and build as heavy as deemed fit. Goal is to finish with a loading that you can perform strict for 3 reps, and then you have to use a little leg drive to assist with the final 2 reps.

1c) 20:00 – 28:00 – 8 minute AMRAP:

10/8 Calories Ski/Bike/Row

5 Hang Power Snatch 65/45

Goal here is to get you comfortable Snatching under fatigue. Loading should allow you to completely focus on technique while being under a little fatigue from the machine.

1d) 33:00 – 45:00 – Every 4:00 x 3 sets:

18 Burpees

24 Knees-up

30 Wall Balls 14/8

Scale volume of movements as needed. We want you having at least 30 seconds of rest. Scaling good look like 15-20-25, or 12-16-20.


2) Monostructural Conditioning – Row:

10K @ 80%

Every 3 minutes Perform 8 Burpee Lateral Hop Over the Rower

Focus on consistent pacing and efforts.

3) Olympic Lifting – Every 1:00 x 10 sets:

Snatch Push Press +

Snatch Push Jerk

Start at a moderate load and build as heavy as deemed fit.

4) Gymnastics – Paralette Shoot Throughs: 4 sets of 10

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Front to back makes one rep.

5) Trunk – Hanging L-Sit Hold: 8 x 20 seconds ON/20 seconds OFF

Scale time domains as needed.

6) Banded Pull-Throughs: 3 sets of 30

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE