1) AQAP:

5K Run

After some deliberation class will be doing this as 6, 400m Out and Backs for a total of 3 miles, and then a 50m Out and back to finish. By doing it this way we will be able to keep the group close together, and you guys will always have someone to chase. Don’t cherry pick. If you’re looking at this workout in disgust and don’t want to come do it, there is no better reason that you should.

Wow things have changed in just a few short years

Extra Work:

2) 20 minutes EMOTM: Odd, Alternating Pistol Squats, Even, Handstand Push-ups

Pick a rep count for each movement that you can maintain over the course of the 10 cycles.

For results post time to complete run along with scaling if you chose to scale distance. If you did Extra Work post reps, thoughts, etc.

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