*Fall/Winter Holiday Schedule HERE


1) Back Squat – Every 2:30:

8 @ 60-70%

6 @ 70-80%

4 @ 80-90%

4 @ 85-95%

Warm-up as needed. Pick weights based off of feel. Use past weeks for reference points.

2) Front Squat – Every 2:30:

5 @ 65-75%

4 @ 75-85%

3 @ 80-90%

3 @ 85-95%

Pick weights based off of feel. Use past weeks for reference points.

3) 5 rounds for Max Reps:

40 seconds D-Ball Over the Shoulder 100/70

20 seconds Rest

40 seconds Burpees

20 seconds Rest

Extra Work:

4) Good Morning: 3 sets of 20

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Focus on positioning over load.

5) Row – 30 rounds of:

30 seconds @ 2K Pace

30 seconds @ Easy

For the Easy pace pick something that you can maintain, and be consistent with.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE