1) Work Your Weakness: EMOTM for 15 minutes

For today’s work your weakness you need to pick two (2) movements. You must pick one (1) Barbell Movement and one (1) Gymnastics Movements. For the Barbell Movement you must pick a rep range between 1 and 3 and an appropriate weight to match. For the Gymnastics Movement you must pick a rep range between 1 and 5. You will perform the chosen reps for the Barbell Movement on the minute, and you will perform the chosen Gymnastics Movement on the 30 seconds. Both of these movements should be weakness movements, something you struggle with, but they should be set up in a fashion that you can do them so that you can build volume and comfort with the movement.

2) AQAP:

50 Ball Slams 40/30

75 Abmat Sit-ups

50 Ball Slams 40/30

75 Hand Release Push-ups

For Results post movements and reps used for Work Your Weakness, and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used.

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