1) 20 minutes EMOTM: Odd, Gymnastics Pressing Movement, Even, Movement of Choice

Gymnastics Pressing movement needs to be some sort of variation of a Push-up, Dip, or Handstand Push-up. Movement of choice should be something that is a weakness, it can be anything you’d like to work on.

2) 12 minute AMRAP:

10 Ball Slams 40/30

15 Box Jumps 24/20

20 Abmat Sit-ups

Extra Work:

3) Double-unders: 10 minutes Practice

If you have 50 unbroken Double-unders consistently spend this time on Triple-unders.

4) Hip Extension: 4 x 10

Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed.

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