1) Back Squat: 10 @ 60%, 8 @ 70%, 6 @ 75%, 4 @ 80%

2) Front Squat: 5 @ 60%, 3 x 5 @ 70%

Warm-up appropriately for the Back Squats. Upon starting your work sets, rest no more than 90 seconds between sets. This includes the transition from Back Squat to Front Squat. Your body will be plenty warm so rest only 90 seconds on that transition as well.

3) “Hops” – 7 minute AMRAP:

7 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops

9 Power Snatch 95/65

11 Overhead Squats 95/65

For those that competed on Saturday you will do a 7 minute AMRAP of: 7 Power Cleans 95/65, 9 Front Squats 95/65, 11 Shoulder-to-Overhead 95/65

Extra Work:

4) Run: 4 x 400m

These should all be max effort runs. Rest 2 minutes between each one. Record time of each run.

5) GHD Sit-ups: 3 x 20

Rest 90 seconds between sets.

For Results post weight of each set of Squats along with Rounds and Reps for Met-con plus any scaling used. If you did runs, post time of each run, and post whether you did GHD’s.

Post Results/Thoughts to Comments


Great little video, especially for those lurking on the site who think this is maybe too hard for them