1) Back Squat: 5-5-5

Warm-up as needed. You should perform 3 heavy sets of 5 Back Squats. This should be a place to look for a 5RM, this could be anywhere from 80-95% of your 1RM

2) Front Squat: 5-5-5

Warm-up as needed. You should perform 3 heavy sets of 5 Front Squats. This should be a place to look for a 5RM, this could be anywhere from 80-95% of your 1RM.

3) AQAP:

21 Toes-to-bar

16 Thrusters 135/95

9 Muscle-ups

15 Toes-to-bar

12 Thrusters 135/95

7 Muscle-ups

9 Toes-to-bar

8 Thrusters 135/95

5 Muscle-ups

Substitution for Muscle-ups is 2x the amount in Pull-ups, ideally Chest-to-bar if you can do them.

Extra Work:

4) Barbell Turkish Get-up: 10 minutes

Use this time to build up to and establish a heavy TGU on each side.

5) Hollow Rock: 100 for time

Record time and number of attempts to complete.

6) Kettlebell Windmill: 3 x 5/side

Rest 90 seconds. Heavy as possible.

For results post weights of each set of Squats and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post weights, times, etc.

Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

     So I wanted to write about this and address the below items regarding yesterday’s workout. I will have to say that as both an athlete of numerous sports, gym owner, and CrossFitter I was pretty bummed to see these e-mails. Below are two e-mails I received anonymously in the last 24 hours regarding yesterdays workout.

“Choosing weights for the workouts that only 1% of the population can do is ridiculous. How can athletes that have been level 1 and rx all along suddenly struggle with level 2. There needs to more consistency. We are not all going to the games.”

“The weights for todays WOD are ridiculous. 99% of the gym cannot do that weight. It feels like you are programming for the competing athletes and are forgetting about the rest of us who come every day and should be valued just as much.”

     So I would like to address the above comments and how they relate to CrossFit and our Box. The original premiss behind CrossFit and CrossFit.com was to put out workouts, often damn tough and nasty workouts that few people could do, or at least few people could do in a timely manner and get the desired affect the programmer was looking for without having to scale. For instance doing Fran Rx’d in 3 minutes, and in 12 minutes provides two completely different workouts. The other, and probably most important premise to CrossFit was and still is, universal scalability. You can have all levels and ages perform the same workout and scale loads and movements to that individuals ability so they can get a similar workout to those doing the workout Rx’d. Champlain Valley CrossFit is no different, on any given day, it is likely that 90% of the gym or more scales the workout in some manner, and that’s awesome, we want everybody to work at their abilities whether it’s a PVC pipe or 400lbs.

     One of the first things I express to new athletes in On-Ramp is that they need to check their ego at the door, especially if they are athletes. I say this more from a safety standpoint, because we often get ex-athletes in here that were once monsters and are no longer so physically, but still think they are mentally. I strongly encourage them to take things easy, learn things properly, and build there way into heavier loads as they feel comfortable. I in fact hammer the point to work light, even if they think they should be working heavy, because you know what, no one in the gym honestly cares how heavy or light someone is working. Why? Because if you’re like me, or the rest of the people who train at Champlain Valley CrossFit, you train here and do CrossFit because you like the people, the environment, and like getting a good workout in. I have absolutely no idea what having to scale a workout because the loading is too heavy has to do with any of that.

     CrossFit is a sport, and like any sport it is constantly evolving and progressing. So are our athletes, always progressing, getting stronger, faster etc, the ones that are 20 and the ones that are 60. Yes yesterday’s workout was HEAVY, I couldn’t do it as prescribed, I scaled it, and that changes absolutely nothing about the quality of the workout, the value of it, or the fun of it, it just means I don’t get to write Rx’d next to my name. Consistency is what makes a poor CrossFitter and athlete, if you’re always doing the same thing, exposing yourself to the same stimulus and not going out of your comfort zone, you’ll be stuck forever. As I’ve stated in posts before, as it says on our website, and as I explain in every On-ramp, I do program for competitive athletes. Why, because first and foremost we have athletes capable of performing these workouts, so it is only fair to provide workouts that push their abilities just as a workout scaled or not might push someones elses abilities. Two it pushes each and every member in the gym to go a little heavier, run a little faster, try a little harder, and three, because what makes the elite level CrossFitter stronger also makes the weekend warrior, the competitive runner, and the soccer mom CrossFitter all stronger and better at what they do.

     It truly does bum me out that I have to write a post like this, but it something that I think is important and hopefully helps people better understand what CrossFit is and why they come. You should come here for you, for your health, well being, the people, the fun, etc. You should be concerned about getting YOU stronger, improving YOUR performance and not worrying about how that compares to the person next to you or what’s written on the board. As long as you are improving and working hard, that is what’s important. Programming a hard workout absolutely does not undervalue anybody, if it does that is your mind saying that you’re not good enough because you have to scale. We have athletes that come in and scale the workout every single day, are they devalued because they aren’t doing the workout as Rx’d. Absolutely not, in fact often those athletes are the ones who receive the most praise from the coaches in the gym and their peers.

     Champlain Valley CrossFit has an amazing community of people, old and young, beasts and beginners, men and women. We have been a successful affiliate in the gym and at competitions because of the amazing community and athletes that continue to push each other and strive to be stronger, faster, and healthier. We do have Games level athletes, and we have those approaching their 70’s trying to stay healthy who are pumped being in the same room Snatching 25lbs next to someone Snatching 185lbs. The programming at Champlain Valley CrossFit will continue to be what it is and what has helped make so many amazing athletes, constantly varied, light and heavy, short and long, “easy” and “hard.” You won’t find a stone unturned here, I will continue to try and expose our athletes to everything CrossFit has to offer.