1) “Angie”- AQAP:

100 Pull-ups

100 Push-ups

100 Abmat Sit-ups

100 Air Squats

This workout may not be broken up or partitioned in anyway. You must finish the 100 Pull-ups before moving onto the 100 Push-ups, and so on. For this workout to count as Rx’d lets make sure you are doing real push-ups. If you don’t keep your knees, quads, and hips off the ground, and touch your chest to the ground and press back up maintaining that position you aren’t doing a full Push-up. For those of you out there who do half or third Push-ups, and you know who you are, I strongly, strongly recommend and encourage you to either slow down and do proper Push-ups, even if it means one at a time, or do them with a band. Doing things right will pay off in the long run. Note, Sit-ups will be unanchored, no using Dumbbells like in the video.


Spealler tearing it up

Extra Work:

2) Front Rack Barbell Carry: 400m @ 135/95

Carry a Barbell in the Front Rack/Squat position for 400m. This is a for time event. Every time you drop the bar perform 5 Burpees. In addition to keeping track of time do your best to count how many times you drop the weight. Hands must stay on the bar at all times when it is in the rack. Scale weight up or down as deemed fit.

For results post time to complete “Angie” along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post weight used, time to complete and number of times you dropped the bar.

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