1) Bench Press: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

You should use this as an opportunity to establish your current 1RM. This might be a PR, might match, or it is possible to have gone down. In addition to establishing your Max, make sure that you complete 6 other singles at 80% or more of today’s Max. Warm-up sets should be short rest, upon getting into your heavy singles rest approximately 2 minutes.

2) “Diane”- 21-15-19 – AQAP:

Deadlifts 225/155

Handstand Push-ups

For this workout if you are doing Handstand Push-ups make sure they are full range of motion. Rx’d for this workout is no Abmat or anything of the sort, you may use a yoga mat to pad your head, but hands must remain on the yoga mat while doing your HSPU’s. Like any movement for scaling look to scale the load not the range of motion…Assisted HSPU’s, Stink Bugs, Strict Press, whatever you scale to must be a vertical pressing movement. Both Strict and Kipping HSPU’s are acceptable for Rx’d.


Anyone getting this tomorrow 🙂

Extra Work:

3) Superman Position: Accumulate 3 minutes

Take as many attempts as needed to accumulate 3 minutes in a Superman Position. Keep track of total attempts and total time to complete.

4) Candle Sticks: 50 Not For Time

While the goal is not for time, still work to get these done in a timely manner. Unfortunately we  don’t really have the ability to scale this movement. If this is really difficult for you, don’t worry about the reps and just spend 5-10 minutes practicing the skill.


For results post weight of each set of Bench Press and time to complete “Diane” along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post time and number of sets to complete Superman work, and time to complete Candle Sticks.

Post results/thoughts to comments