A quick heads up, the start time has been changed to 8:00 PM. Also please remember if you’re not paid and signed up by Wednesday there won’t be food/space for you. And to be signed up you have to pay. If you’re making a check out, please make sure it is written to Sweetwaters, as the financial end has nothing to do with CVCF. We are about half full at this point so make sure you get your money in if you haven’t already.

When: Saturday, December 10th, at 8:00 PM
Where: Sweetwaters Upstairs Super VIP Lounge for the Wicked Tough and Strong
What: You and a bunch of fellow athletes and their poor significant others who have to hear about CrossFit all the time enjoying some delicious paleo and non-paleo delights. We sampled the menu and the cocktails. It’s no joke.
How: Sign-up in Jade’s office and leave $20 per person (for food, tax, and gratuity) by Wednesday morning the 7th so we can give Sweetwaters a head count. There are limited spots, about 40, we didn’t know how many folks would respond or be around so get in while you can. If you show up and didn’t sign-up, we’ll have CrossFit Kids as muscle at the door throwing kettlebells. Don’t be that guy.

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