Wendler: Week 12 – Pull

“Nancy”- 5 rounds AQAP:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65

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Wendler is over, you guys all did an awesome job, and it was great to really see you stick to your programming and make it in here 3 days a week. I’m sure you’re all stronger for it. I will have an update on our next batch of programming on the website by the end of the week. Awesome work on “Nancy,” more and more of you are stepping your levels up and doing an awesome job. This is a tough one and another real lung burner. Hope the running hasn’t been too much for some of you, we only have it 6 months out of the year so we’ve got to make use of it while we can. Cheers.

Dani and Kristi busting out the squats
Lisa with a beautiful overhead squat
Bart and Gregg hammering out a run
– Jade