3 rounds AQAP:
50 Double-unders
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
12 Pull-ups

Rest 5 minutes

3 rounds for Max Reps:
Max Pull-ups
Max Push-ups
2 minutes rest

When you drop from the pull-up bar your set is over, go immediately to push-ups, you can rest in plank or down dog, when you drop a knee to the floor your set is over.

Post results/thoughts to comments

A lot of you are starting to get better with the double-unders. I see a bunch of you spending time before or after class, it WILL pay off. If you’re tired of doing tuck jumps, spend 10 minutes every time you come in with the jump rope. It will take time but the double-unders will come. Nice job on the push-ups, and pull-ups, we saw some big sets, remember a push-up isn’t a push-up unless your chest touches the ground, do them right and you’ll get better at them. Cheers.

Swinging the bell
Kim with the bell nicely overhead
– Jade