– Work You Weakness Strength Bias: 5-5-3

– 4 rounds AQAP:
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Pistol Squats
12 Toes-to-bar
16 Pull-ups

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Great to see so many people in the gym today, you all did a great job. Have to put a big congrats to Dani, Kristi, and Betsy who finished their “Cindy” challenge today. 20 days starting the 1st of 1 round of “Cindy” day 1, 2 rounds on day 2, 3 rounds on day 3, etc. They did a great job and did this in addition to their normal training. More of you continue to get pistols, some are getting handstand push-ups, everybody is straight up getting stronger. Awesome work everybody, see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Vinny and HJ knocking out pull-ups
Mark and Brian getting those knees-up
Scott getting through his handstand push-ups…for the second time
Good to see Sefton back in the gym…working those pistol squats
– Jade