1) Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5

Work to hit 5 heavy sets of 5 of Bench Press. If you’ve never benched before you should be looking to hit a 5RM. If you know your 5RM and have done it relatively recently you should be looking to keep all of your sets at 85% or above. We are looking to build some heavy volume. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets.

2) 3 rounds AQAP:
400m Run
75 Air Squats

For results post heaviest set of Bench Press and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Wow, it’s July already, another month gone, and another month where all of you amazing athletes continued to get bigger, stronger, faster. We haven’t benched in a while because of the lack of benches and our growing class sizes, with that said we got a ton of new equipment last Friday and now have 10 benches. In addition you’ll see that there are bars and bumpers now on both sides of the room, PLEASE, wherever you take something from, please put it back there. Way to scream through the leg burner today, all about how much pain you wanted to endure. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Brian working hard and keeping that questions of, “can I do one more,” in the back of his head
And they’re off
Up and down
– Jade