Bench or Strict Press: 5-5-3-3-1-1

Max Reps:
30 seconds Power Clean 185/135
30 seconds Burpees
2 minute Rest

30 seconds Power Clean 155/105
30 seconds Burpees
2 minute Rest
30 seconds Power Clean 135/95
30 seconds Burpees
2 minute Rest
30 seconds Power Clean 95/65
30 seconds Burpees
2 minute Rest
50 Ball Slams 40/30
Score for the workout is total reps accumulated via burpees and power cleans minus the time it took to complete the ball slams in seconds.
Post results/thoughts to comments
Nice work today everybody. The workout today was a little tricky, but I hope you all got out of it what was intended. If you pushed hard and didn’t hold back it should have been tough, and the 50 ball slams at the end should have left you worked. Big numbers for many of you on the strict and bench press. Keep up the great work. See you tomorrow. Cheers.
Not sure who worked harder
Bart pushing around some weight
Knight, another one of our young members just finished On-ramp and is hitting it hard
Beware, extremely fierce dog that will lick and or sit on you to death
– Jade