“Kelly”- 5 rounds AQAP:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps 24/18
30 Wall Balls 20/14

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Great turn out for today’s 8 AM class. The workout “Kelly” got 11 athletes off and running followed by box jumps and wall balls. A couple people added some challenge by moving from the 8lb ball to the 14lb ball. Never easy to make that commitment, but always rewarding when it’s done. The 9:15 AM class was small but a powerful group resulting in some movement on the leader-board. Congrats to Erik for taking 7 minutes off his earlier “Kelly” time, and to Del and Dave for now being in the top 5. Also, kudos to Julia for doing the WOD Rx’d, and to Jesse for her awesome time. Both now have a place in the CVCF top 5 “Kelly” women!

Out for a lap
Ed working through his wall balls
– Betsy