
25 minute AMRAP:
15 Burpees
15 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/65
15 Toes-to-bar

The most important thing as we mention all the time is staying under the bar, your hip joint always needs to stay under to behind the bar at the peak of the movement
1) Squat Snatch: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
These are not meant to be touch and go reps. Hit one Snatch, drop the bar, reset, and then hit the next rep. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets. These must be Squat Snatches or as close as you can get to one if you have mobility issues. Your sets should be ladder esque, start with a medium weight and build up to a few heavy sets.

Some Snatch Basics

2) 5 rounds of total reps:
30 seconds Max Hang Power Cleans 185/123
30 seconds Hold In Front Rack Position
Rest exactly 8 minutes
3) 5 rounds AQAP:
5 Defecit Handstand Push-ups 4″/2″
10 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24
For “2” you absolutely have to hold the bar in the rack position during the 30 seconds, so make sure you are cleaning to hold at that 30 second mark. Reps must be Hang Power Cleans, coming from the floor doesn’t count, you must Deadlift the bar first and then Hang Power Clean it. Make sure you rest exactly 8 minutes, and then perform “3.” For the second piece Men use 45lb plates, Women use 25lb plates for the deficit.

4) Run: 1 mile Time Trial
This should be a max effort run. Obviously don’t blow yourself up too quickly, but it should be as fast as possible. You should do this at least 10 minutes after “2” and “3.” The run will be done as two out-and-back 800m  runs.

For those doing the competitors programming there will be no Kids class tomorrow so feel free to use the back room until 10:15 AM. With that please make sure you clean it up afterward, and please be respectful of the class going on out in the big room.

For results. Class post total rounds plus reps along with scaling used. For Competitors post weights for each set of Snatches, reps for the first Met-con, and time for the second Met-con, as well as time to complete 1 mile Run.

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