“12 Days of Christmas”- AQAP:
1 – 300m Row
2 – Snatch 155/105
3 – Thruster 155/105
4 – Muscle-up
5 – Burpee
6 – Toes-to-bar
7 – Chest-to-bar Pull-up
8 – Kettlebell Swing 88/70
9 – Box Jump 30/24
10 – Handstand Push-up
11 – Ground-to-Overhead 155/105
12 – Man Makers 50/35

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The 12 Days of Christmas WOD is a staple in the CrossFit community, but it’s different everywhere and every year. Dani pulled this little beauty of CrossFit Invictus’ website. This was an absolute monster of a workout, and for those of you who came in I’m so proud of you all for working through a super tough workout. Whatever you celebrate, Christmas, Hanukah, Life, the Sun, or worshipping the Barbell, have an awesome weekend and enjoy your holidays. Cheers.

Carol putting that bar up overhead
Rik slogging through one of the 12 rows
And I got to not only hop in and workout but even got a picture
– Jade