5 rounds – 1 minute at each station – 1 minute rest after 5 stations – score is total reps
Box Jumps 24/18
Medball Slams 20/14
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Plate Around the World 45/25 (hold a plate at your stomach bring up and around behind your head and back to your stomach, that is one rep, you must reverse directions on each rep

Post results/thoughts to comments

Just wanted to say it was totally awesome to have so many people in the gym today. Those who came in on their own accord for the first time it was great to have you, and thanks to all our awesome members who dragged their friends in, we had over 40 people in. You guys all did awesome and pushed hard through a hard workout. Hope to see tons of you on Monday to start the Paleo Challenge. Cheers.

Mike coming into the gym for the first time and getting that kettlebell overhead very nicely
2/3 or so of the group for the 9:15 class…reviewing movements…you all kicked ass
Start of the workout…again couldn’t get everybody in the picture
Getting down for some burpees
– Jade