800m Run
40 Double-unders
40 Kettlebell Swings 70/53
40 Double-unders
40 Overhead Squats 95/65
40 Double-unders
40 Burpees
40 Double-unders
800m Run

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Another big crew in here for the Saturday classes. This will likely be the last run of the season for us. Yay for some of you and nay for others. If we get a warm day I’ll still try and work something in, but snow and cold are looming in the forecast. For those taking off for the week have a great holiday, for those that aren’t I expect to see you in the gym in full force. Cheers.

Bells and bars up
Kim and Jeff on their burpees
Cheri getting some ups on her tuck jump

CrossFit Kids tearing across the floor in a bear crawl

– Jade