Power Snatch: Perform 1 Power Snatch every 30 seconds for 10 minutes (must be a power snatch, now press out/muscle-snatch)

5 rounds – 3 minutes work – 2 minutes rest – Max Reps:
200m Run w/Slam Ball 40/30
Max Rep Push-ups

Post results/thoughts to comments

You guys are all doing awesome on your olympic work and making great progress on the snatch. Good work. Sorry for my programming, it was maybe a little off today, but I hope you all still enjoyed the workout. Hopefully that run was about as awkward as could be. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers.

Callie leading the pack on one of the slam ball runs
Turi getting intense on his snatch…he’s been working hard and has lost 30lbs pounds in 2 months
Del working through the snatches
– Jade