Deadlift: 10-10-10-10-10

Max Reps:
5 minutes Double-unders
4 minutes Wall Balls 20/14
3 minutes Box Jumps 24/18
2 minutes Kettlebell Swings 70/53
1 minute Handstand Push-ups

Post results/thoughts to comments

I think a lot of you surprised yourselves today with the deadlifts. Some heavy pounds were pulled. Remember always when deadlifting to keep that back tight and flat, but especially when lifting heavy. If you feel it go, just let go of the bar, it’s not worth hurting yourself. Know when to throw in the towel. You’ll be happy you did so that you can train another day. See you all tomorrow if you’re not already gone on vacation. Cheers.

Carol getting up on the box
Olah getting the ball up
Wall Balls…notice Corey’s nice squat position keeping the ball high…key to a good Wall Ball
– Jade