1RM Power Clean: Take 10 minutes to find your 1RM Power Clean

3 Power Cleans @ 80-90% of 1RM every minute on the minute for 8 minutes

75 Turkish Get-ups 53/35

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Big PRs all over the place today, we saw many of you moving some serious weight, awesome work everybody. Awesome job as well on the Get-ups, I think many of you found that workout to be deceivingly hard. Send your healing wishes to Brian Allen, he broke his collar bone yesterday snowboarding, we are going to do our best to get him in and do some training. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers.

The noon class working through the power cleans
Sophie with a big PR of 143lbs…getting that hip open before the pull
Working through the get-ups
Bryant at the top of a get-up
Scott getting the 175lb stone to his shoulder
– Jade