7 rounds of 3 minutes each:
200m Run
15 Burpees
15 Ball Slams 40/30

In this workout your rest is your score. The goal is to complete the interval as fast as possible and the remainder of the 3 minutes is your rest period. Ideally you should get some rest every round so scale accordingly if you aren’t able to complete the interval in the 3 minute time cap.

For results post cumulative rest time along with any scaling used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Good ole fashion hard work was on the board today, and everybody who came in brought their lungs along. This was a great workout to really test your cardiovascular capacity, and to test your mental drive and will. Name of the game was to not stop and push hard. You all did awesome, and truly pushed yourselves to that max threshold. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Alex with the ball ALL the way overhead
All smiles to start
Corey bring the ball back to earth
– Jade