1) Clean: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

For this the clean can be any type. If you haven’t cleaned real heavy in a while use this as an opportunity to go for a PR. Make sure that all 7 sets are heavy, warm-up accordingly. Don’t rest more than 2 minutes between sets. Example weights could be.

Warm-up Sets: 45×20, 95×10, 135×3, 155×2, 185×1
Work Sets: 205×1, 225×1, 250×1 PR, 235×1, 225×1, 225×1, 205×1

2) 10 minute AMRAP:
3 Wall Climbs
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95

Shoulder-to-Overhead can be Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, or Split Jerk. For this workout you should be looking for a weight that you can at least go unbroken on the first set.

For results post heaviest clean, and rounds plus reps of Met-con along with any scaling used.

Nice work on the cleans today everybody. A bunch of PR’s were had, both squat and power style. Keep working that technique and you will see your numbers continue to go up. Everyone’s shoulders get a little blown up? We haven’t done Wall Climbs in a while, boy they are a tough. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Brad, Jennie and Andrew working there way up the wall
Carol putting the bar overhead
Up they go
– Jade