– “2009 North East Regional WOD # 3”
10, 9, 8…3, 2, 1 AQAP
Power Clean 155/105
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Kettlebell Swings 53/35

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While we had a a very slow day today, somewhere in the 20’s compared to the almost 50 people in the door yesterday, you guys all pushed yourselves extremely hard on a very tough workout…I think for many of you it was your hardest workout ever and it was so awesome to see how determined you guys were to push through and finish the workout. Awesome job everybody. See you guys tomorrow or Saturday. Cheers.

Dani and Kristi cranking out their pull-ups and Erik with a power clean at 5:45 AM
Justin, Donny, and Walter pushing it
Jeff getting that kettlebell up
The rugby crew working hard as always
– Jade