Muscle-up Practice: 15 minutes

10, 9, 8….3, 2, 1
Power Cleans 155/105
30 Double-unders

Post results/thoughts to comments

Big shout out to Garrett and Jimmy who both got their first muscle-ups today, and a few other folks got on the rings after being away from them for a while and found themselves better than ever at the muscle-up. A bunch of you chose to work on your kip for the pull-up which is great as well and super important to a number of movements we do. Great work on the met-con, way to hit some heavier power cleans for a bunch of reps. For those without double-unders, I think today was good incentive to work on them, 5 or 10 minutes before or after class everyday for a few weeks will do a lot for you. Cheers.

Quyen one of our newest members as been coming religiously and is making great progress on all her movements
Monica hitting full extension and keeping that bar close
Abby receiving the bar
– Jade