– Front Squat: 5-5-5-5-5

– 12 Minutes – As Many Reps As Possible: You have 12 minutes on the clock to perform the row and then complete as many box jumps as possible in the remaining time. Score is total box jumps.
Row 2K
Box Jump 24/18

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today everybody, front squats are getting better and everyone looked like they got worked on the lethal combination of rowing and box jumps. You guys all pushed hard through the met-con and put up some impressive numbers on the front squat…Sabrina at 145×5 and Trevor at 275×5. As usual, way to kill it guys. Benchmark WOD tomorrow, see you guys then.

The noon crew making their way through the 2K
Warming up with some medball skill transfer movements
Alex working his front squats
One heat down and done…second heat on the rowers
Damon working his front squats
– Jade