“Nicole”- 20 minute AMRAP:
400m Run
Max Pull-ups

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So today marks a year of being open. I just want to say thank you so much to everybody that has made this gym a reality. You’ve all help build an awesome, fun, and supportive community that rivals anything else around. I look forward to continued training and coaching with all of you and continued growth of our fabulous community. Thanks for making this the best place possible to work, live, learn, laugh, etc. etc. Cheers.

Matt without a band, congrats…you know you love CrossFit when you call your fiance at 8 AM to tell her you did a workout without a band…thanks for being part of our gym Matt, and Monica
Carol working hard on the pull-ups…after completely blowing her knee out a couple of months ago, Carol has been diligent about continuing to come the gym and do what she can, she’s done an amazing job of rehabbing her knee and is on the road to being stronger than ever (she deadlifted 110+ pounds on Monday), awesome work Carol
Gregg has been diligent about coming Monday-Friday, and sometimes even Saturday. He’s lost 20 pounds or so, has gotten stronger on all of his lifts (coming from a lifting background), his body feels better, and he’s starting to nail some of the skill movements…a nice big kip on his pull-up above, keep up the good work Gregg
– Jade