Tempo Back Squats:
2 @ 45% of 1RM
2 @ 55% of 1RM
2 @ 65% of 1RM
5 x 2 @ 75% of 1RM

For these go to the bottom of the back squat, hold for 5 seconds in a rock solid position, then bounce and come back up. That is one set. Work through all 8 sets. If 75% is too heavy adjust accordingly.

21-15-9 – AQAP:
Ring Dips
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

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Great job today everybody. Worked in something a little new today for you all. The athletes on the team for Regionals have been doing these and we’ve been finding them very beneficial so no better thing to do than bring them over for all of you. For many of you they may have forced you into proper depth, and also helped really stretch out your hips and allow you to get into the bottom. Keep up the great work. Cheers.

Sebastian getting some air time on his burpees
Two of our newest members Suzie and KK working hard through the burpees
– Jade