Jump Rope Practice: 10 minutes

3 rounds for Max Reps of:
40 seconds Box Jumps 24/18
20 seconds Rest
40 seconds Ball Slams 40/30
20 seconds Rest
40 seconds Kettlebell Swings 70/53
20 seconds Rest
40 seconds Wall Balls 20/14
20 seconds Rest
40 seconds Kettlebell High-pull 70/53
20 seconds Rest
40 seconds Burpees
20 seconds Rest

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today on a real lung burner everybody. You may start to see a little more interval based training in the gym from now on. They allow you to keep hitting that peak heart rate and make for and awesome workout and a great way to increase your aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Some of you got your first double-unders today which was awesome, and a bunch of you are continuing to string them together better and better as time goes on. Keep up the good work everybody, hope to see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Mike getting the kettlebell up
Phillip and Courtney on to the ball slams
Richard banging out the burpees
A packed house at 5:45 PM

– Jade