Work Your Weakness: 20 minutes

6 rounds for total reps – 30 seconds work 30 seconds rest
Kettlebell Swing 70/53
Box Jump 24/18
Push Press 95/65

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Great to see so many faces in the gym today. You guys all did an awesome job and pushed hard in a tough interval workout. Congratulations to Scott who got his first muscle-up today…I think a few more of you are close behind. The rugby guys crushed it in a workout that had some more untraditional movements than we usually see…you’ll see some of them in the future. If I don’t see you before the weeks end have a great holiday and I’ll see you next week. Cheers.

Bryant and Donny on the kettlebell swings
Ryan and Rick facing off on the swings
Emily, Dani, and Jess knocking out some swings
Tools of the evenings destruction
– Jade