Back Squat 3 reps: Perform 3 Back Squats every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes. Try and stick to the same weight for all 10 sets.

Tabatta Something Else – Max Reps for Score:
Perform 8 rounds of 20 Seconds of Work and 10 seconds of Rest at each of the following movements
There is 60 seconds rest in between each movement change

Air Squats
Rower for Calories

Wear a weight vest if interested

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today guys. All of you did awesome. Some good weight moving on the back squats and some reps were ripping in the Tabatta workout. Props to those of you who threw a weight vest on, I know it sucked because I wore one to. Great job. Open WOD gets posted tonight. See you all tomorrow. Cheers.

Kieran back in action after a couple of weeks away
Hitting the rower
Del on one of his 10 second “rests”
5:45 PM class working hard
– Jade