Feeling good this morning, except for my back hurting still. Legs suprisingly feel fine. I thought they’d be hurting more since I haven’t really squated in months. Knees felt fine throughout the rest of the day yesterday, and they felt fine most of the day today so I decided to hit them with a little more today. Hopefully they respond favorly again. Gorgeous day today, and was nice to workout outside again. Hopefully get a good crowd tomorrow at the park. For anyone reading this my other computer with my mailing list is being replaced and all the data is being transferred to a new one, hence I don’t have access to my e-mail list. I will be at Dorest Park tomorrow at 6:30 as long as the weather is good. Hope to see some folks.



42-30-18 reps AQAP:
24″ Box Jump
Walking Lunge
Air Squat



Push Jerk: 45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 145×5, 155×5, 165×5

Solid training. Met-con went well, knees felt pretty good. Quads were on fire. Box jumps were slow as usual, I’m slowly getting better at them. Air squats were a little slow, lunges were consistent, no stopping on them. Push Jerks were good, definitely happy with the weight. Definitely my 5 RM, could have probably gone a little heavier if I was fresher. Solid training session, going to take a rest day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade