Feeling pretty solid this morning. It’s hot and I put my AC in last night, wow, slept like a rock, so nice. Took some Vitamin I and hit the back with tiger balm last night. Feeling better this morning for sure. Stuck to my eating plan yesterday as well as today. One thing I’m consuming that I forgot to mention is alcohol. Not much, going to keep it to a minimum, but I am going to be consuming it. Had a glass of red wine with dinner last night and tonight. Awesome dinner tonight, love salsa and guac. I put my roommate through a modified version of the Filthy 50 the other day, I decided to hit the same thing up today. Felt like I needed to hit a longer met-con as it had been a while, and with it being 90 degrees out I figured a solid sweat fest would feel good. Was feeling a little tired going into the workout, but pushed hard and had a solid workout. Really worked on my rest periods today, resting a little longer so that I could get more reps out.


Modified Filthy 50 (using what I’ve got)

50 Calories C2 Rower
50 Box Jumps 24″
50 Push-ups
50 Inverted Rows
50 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 75lbs
50 Shoulder-to-Overhead 75lbs
50 American Kettlebell Swings 35lb
50 Walking Lunges
50 Single-unders
50 Burpees


WOD was definitely solid. Started out on the rower strong. Box jumps were a bit slow, my quads were feeling it from the high box jumps and bike yesterday. Push-ups went better than expected, especially considering my chest and lats are a bit sore from yesterday. Got to the inverted rows and things began to slow down a little. Hit 15 of them and then it was rest 5 seconds and get 4-5 out. High-pulls were done in set of 10, I thought my arms were going to explode. Shoulder-to-overhead were all done in sets of 10, done as push press/jerk. Not a definitive movement, a mix of the two. Got to the kettlebell swings and I could barely hold onto the thing, split them into two sets of 25. Lunges were fine, single-unders I went straight through, burpees were awful. I had to go a little slow on them partially because of my back, this is how I hurt my back last time, too much arch apparently.  All in all I got through everything and I was toasted afterward. Solid workout and was happy I decided to do it. Wanted to do double-unders in the WOD but it just wasn’t going to happen. I tried some while warming up and I couldn’t get more than a couple so I figured in the state I’d be at the end of the WOD they definitely wouldn’t happen. Going to practice them again tomorrow. Solid day, park workout tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade