Jump Rope Practice: 10 minutes

5 rounds of 3 minute AMRAP – 1 minute rest:
9 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
6 Front Squats 95/65
3 Push Press 95/65

Score is cumulative rounds and reps. When a round ends pick up where you left off at the start of your next round.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Keep working those double-unders. You want the tuck jump to be banished, make use of a few minutes before or after class everyday and work on them. Great work on the met-con today everybody. That was a wicked lung burner. Remember on those cleans to keep that bar close. Close is efficient, and efficient is fast. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Tim about to go overhead
Justin going up
Wade is back
Jay is just finishing up On-ramp but has been hitting it hard coming to class when he can, eager to learn and get better
– Jade