– Accumulate 3 minutes in an L-sit

– “Nancy”
5 rounds AQAP
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats 95/65

– 3 sets, max reps of CF “Games” style push-ups

Post results/thoughts to comments

We had a great day in the gym today with a busy evening. It was great to see a bunch of faces that haven’t been around too much the last week, and it was great to see Del back in the gym who will be joining us from now on a couple of times a week. You guys are all making great progress on your overhead squats…things are looking much better, depth, bar position, back position, etc. Way to push it in a hard WOD today. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

The group working on the L-sit or knee hold
Guys coming in from a 400m lap
Elliott with an overhead squat
– Jade