– Overhead Squat: 5-5-5-5-5

– 5 rounds AQAP:
5 Thrusters 135/95
10 Burpees

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today everybody. As I said, we would have a shorter WOD today but I think you all found just how hard a short 5-10 minute workout can be. You guys all killed the met-con, and everyone’s overhead squats are getting that much better. It was great to see Marta in the gym today as well as George after some time off. Good work everybod, see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Colleen and Laura in at 5:45 AM hitting the burpees
4:30 going through the warm-up
Sasha hitting the thrusters in the met-con
Bob and George killing the thrusters…good to see you back George
– Jade