Work Your Weakness Strength – EMOTM 10 minutes: Pick any strength baring movement that is a big weakness. Pick a rep range between 1 and 5, and if it is a weighted movement, pick an appropriate weight for the rep range. You should not change weight or reps for the 10 minutes. At the beginning of every minute perform a set of the movement at the weight and reps picked for 10 minutes.

12 minute AMRAP:
30 Unbroken Double-unders
5 Dumbbell Man Makers 50/35 (Push-up, Renegade Row, Power Clean, and Push Press)

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Nice work today everybody. Good to see everybody tackling their weakness and honing in on what you really struggle with. For those who tackled the unbroken double or single-unders, nice job. Coupled with the Man Makers peoples shoulders were on fire and heart rates were jacked. Great work everybody. Cheers.

Heather getting herself all the way open and maxing her power output
Austin dipping down for some power to get the dumbbells overhead
Kris getting down in the push-up
Trish 1 arm up
– Jade