1) Squat Snatch: 1 rep Every 30 seconds for 6 minutes @ 85% of 1RM

These must be Squat Snatches, if you can’t Squat Snatch because of mobility then go as deep as you can holding good form. If you miss a lift don’t try and redo it, wait until your next rep.

Rest exactly 3 minutes

2) Squat Clean and Jerk: 1 rep Every 30 seconds for 6 minutes @ 80% of 1RM

This must be a Squat Clean, if you can’t Squat Clean because of mobility issues then go as deep as you can holding good form. The Jerk can be either a Push Jerk or a Split Jerk. If you miss a lift don’t try and redo it, wait until your next rep.

3) Partner Rows: 4 x 500m

These rows should be maximum effort, so we should see each interval get slower. Your rest is your partners row time. Try to partner up with someone who will be rowing a similar pace to you.

An old video back in the little gym with just a couple of rowers…don’t cherry pick this workout and not come in because it isn’t exciting or because you don’t want to row, it is an incredibly effective and difficult workout
4) 5 rounds:
30 seconds Bird Dog Left
30 seconds Bird Dog Right
30 seconds Superman
30 seconds Rest
For results post weight and any missed reps for the Squat Snatch and Clean and Jerk. For the rows post time of each individual 500m.

Post results/thoughts to comments
– Jade