Front Squat: 5-5-5

Strict Press: 5-5-5

10 minute AMRAP:
3 Handstand Push-ups
8 Pistol Squats
20 Double-unders

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It was great to see so many people referencing their binders today and getting pumped on the PR’s that they were setting. You guys all kill it and it is so much fun having you all in the gym. A bunch of you stepped it up, bit the bullet, and went for double-unders in the workout which was awesome. Our On-ramp group finished up tonight, hopefully not too sore from the walking lunges. We hope to see you guys in for a class real soon. Cheers.

Brian and Kristi pushing through the front squats at 5:45 AM
Ryan and Dani working on pistol squats
Donny pushing through some air squats
Measuring up the new jump ropes, one of a few new things that showed up yesterday
On-Ramp crew finished, Matt, Mike, Courtney, Fletcher, Kate, and Rachel (Hallie, Kristin, and Suzy not pictured)
– Jade