Deadlift: 5-5-5

Strict Press: 5-5-5

10 minute AMRAP:
3 Overhead Squats 95/65
6 Front Squats 96/65
9 Back Squats 95/65

Post results/thoughts to comments

Everyone was moving some good weight around today and got their legs pretty fried during the workout. Congrats to our On-ramp crew that finished this evening. They did a great job and you will be seeing 7 new faces in the gym ready to go. A couple of reminders. Paleo Challenge starts Monday, if you’ve got crap you want to eat get it out of your system now, if you don’t, get yourself ready to feel amazing. Saturday will be our “Open House.” Same as a normal Saturday but drag any and everybody in who you think might be interested in training. There will be an additional 10:30 class for those who are looking to come a little later this Saturday. Cheers.

Colleen making great progress on her deadlifts

Tim getting some big weight off the floor

Alex hitting a PR set

Kristy is back in the gym

On-ramp crew is done….not all pictured, Nancy, Tom, Kieran, Noah, Megan, Cindy, and Susan

– Jade