Box Jump: 10-10-8-6-4-4-2-2 (reps must be unbroken in each set, use the highest possible box on each set, rest each set as needed)

8 minute AMRAP:
3 Handstand Push-ups
6 Ring Dips
9 Push-ups

Post results/thoughts to comments

Wow, some big box jumps today guys…remember commit to that thing and big box jumps are all about sucking those legs up. It was great to see everybody use the rings today, whether assisted or not, this is great practice and will help work on your shoulder strength just by stabilizing yourself in that position. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

HJ didn’t quite make it to the box and got a “little” bump
Walter and Lisa knocking push-ups out
Sarah and Megan working through the box jumps
Kim slashing off another round and Kristy finishing hers
Our newest On-ramp group finished up today…Cindy, Steve, Carolyn, Bruce, Jim, and Andy (Sylvie and Ryan not pictured)…great work guys see you back in class soon
– Jade