“Middle Creek”- Max Rounds:

8 minute AMRAP:
4 Overhead Squats 95/65
6 Front Squats 95/65
8 Back Squats 95/65

Rest 2 minutes

8 minute AMRAP:
4 Strict Press 65/45
6 Push Press 65/45
8 Push Jerks 65/45

Rest 2 minutes

8 minute AMRAP:
4 Power Cleans 95/65
6 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/65
8 Deadlifts 95/65

Every rep counts the same…score is total rounds for all 3 AMRAPs

AMRAP #1 = 5 rounds 10 reps
AMRAP #2 = 4 rounds 12 reps
AMRAP #3 = 7 rounds 3 reps

Total = 16 rounds 25 reps = 17 rounds 7 reps (there are 18 reps per round)

Post results/thoughts to comments

As always I’m thoroughly impressed with the amazing job that you all do. You all kick ass! Keep up the awesome work. You pushed through a super tough WOD that brought us to the “basics” of CrossFit and ran you through the movements that make up most of the programming in CrossFit. See you tomorrow for another workout. Cheers.

Richard with perfect form at the top of a high-pull
One of our newest members Jason jumping into a class
Pat and Jon pushing hard through the last AMRAP
– Jade