EMOTM 10 minutes: For 10 minutes perform 3 Power Cleans and 1 Split Jerk EMOTM

4 rounds – 3 minutes work – 2 minutes rest:
25 Pull-ups
Max Dumbbell Thrusters 35/25

Post results/thoughts to comments

As usual awesome work today everybody. You guys all did great. The evil dumbbell thruster reared its ugly head again today and I think you all felt the wrath it can bring. A bunch of people stepped up to the plate dropping a band level, or even going for full pull-ups on the workout. Great job. Power cleans continue to improve and you guys are all continuing to get stronger. Great work everybody. Cheers.

Some of the ladies at the noon class working through their thrusters
Bryant working through his thrusters
Our newest On-rampg group finished…Charlie, Mark, Christine, Carol, Lynn, Chuck, Betsy, and not pictured David. Say hi to them when you see them in class
– Jade