Press Complex: 1-1-1-1-1

One complex consists of 1 Strict Press, 2 Push Press, and 3 Push Jerks. The goal is to work at or as close as possible to your 1RM Strict Press. Rest no more than 90 seconds between your sets. Make sure you are doing Push Press when it calls for Push Press and not Jerking the bar.

“Randy”- AQAP:
75 Power Snatch 75/53

For results post heaviest weight used for Press Complex, and time for met-con along with weight used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Long on Monday, medium yesterday, and a short little burner today. Nice job on “Randy” guys, you all hit GO and pushed hard moving to get the Snatches done real quick. Press complex went well to. Remember with that strict press, don’t waste time coming out of the rack. Unrack the bar, get tight and put that thing overhead. Cheers.

7 AM outside to avoid the cutting noise…garage door is in
Brendon hitting full extension on his Snatch
Patrick working hard to the end
– Jade