Wow, in some serious pain today. The entire backside of my body is pretty toasted. Hams and glutes are a little sore, lower back and traps are destroyed. Chest is also in rough shape from all of the push-ups, and lats are a bit sore as well. It is a good feeling though. Clean eating all day yesterday and so far all good today. Went easy on the WOD today given how incapacitated I feel. Hopefully I’ll be feeling a little more mobile for a met-con on Saturday.


Strict Pull-ups Max Reps: 13, 9, 8, 7, 7

40 Yard Sled Pull Backwards 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 1
40 Yard Sled Pull Forwards 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 1

I haven’t done pull-ups in like 1.5 months so I was definitely hurting on the pull-up bar. I’m pretty happy with what I got considering how sore my posterior chain is. First set was good, but I definitely faded fast. I don’t really have a set-up at home to do pull-ups so that is why they haven’t been getting worked into my WODs. I’ve got a little station I can do strict ones on though now, no kipping unfortunately. Sled pulls felt good and were done just to loosen up my hams and glutes, and to continue working my quads a bit extra given I can’t really squat right now. Hopefully the weather clears up enough tomorrow so I can get outside and do a WOD. Cheers.

– Jade