So intake was bad news. My sick feeling made me want bad food basically, and I gave in while I was at work. Had a slice of pizza and a big cookie. This has definitely been a bad month of eating compared to my first 1 month trial run of paleo nutrition.

12/3/09 Intake
Calories 2623
Fat 134 grams 45%
Carbs 202 grams 31%
Protein 157.5 grams 24%
Fiber 25 grams
Cholesterol 1520mg

Not much to be said for today. Didn’t train, planning on resting all day. Woke up this morning and still had a little something sitting in the back of my throat. Hurts a little to swallow, but by the end of the day I felt pretty good and am looking forward to trying to workout tomorrow given I feel okay.

– Jade