Wow, it’s 2010. Good thing it’s a rest day because I’m worked from last night. Really looking forward to the coming year. Continue getting myself into peak physical condition and have a gym open by June. I’ve got a lot of people interested in CrossFit, and I believe when CrossFit Vermont opens it will be a huge success. Training has been good the last month but my nutrition has gone to hell. I’ve visibly gained some weight around my midsection, can’t be much, but there is just enough there that I can tell the difference. I’m up about 3 pounds, a couple of those probably being water from all the carb intake. Now that the holidays are over I am completely confident that I will be able to get back at it like I did this fall.

On another note my shoulders and traps are destroyed from yesterday’s workout. I think hammering out all those hang cleans with no break really killed them. Thinking about the workout in general it was shoulders all the way through, row, overhead squat, and hang cleans. Just destroyed the entire area. Today is definitely hangover food day so my plan is to get back at it tomorrow with my eating, and get a solid day of training in tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade