Woke up a little sore this morning. My legs are feeling a bit tired from the workout yesterday, but surprisingly my lats are quite sore. I imagine from the cleans, but possibly the plyo push-ups as well, that catch on the way back down. Took a trip down to Montpelier today to pick up another C2 rower from craigslist, and I stopped in at the CrossFit affiliate that is open there. Nice place, pretty cool idea, it’s more of a family center, offers yoga, a little bouldering room, a couple other things, and is a non-profit so it is considerably cheaper than the typical affiliate. When talking to Nick who runs the place one thing that I was thrilled to hear, and made me incredibly confident about opening an affiliate is that they have amassed 100 clients in 2.5 months. That’s crazy growth, and in an area with a considerably smaller population than Burlington. So pumped to see that.


Military Press: 105×5, 110×5, 115×5, 115×5, 115×5

3 rounds for time:
1 mile Stationary Bike Max Resistance
DB Deadlift 75×20


Workout was solid. Happy with my pressing. I think my last 3 sets were solid, and probably just about my 5rm. I might have been able to do 120 if I was fresh, but I barely got the last set. Hoping my shoulders have gotten stronger, I would like to see a 145-150 press when I do my CF total next week. Made sure to keep knees locked out on the press so that I wasn’t cheating at all, and I was bringing the bar all the way down to the rack position on a clean. Met-con was tough, I was really feeling my legs on the bike thanks to the cleans yesterday. DB deads were good to, I was making sure not to bounce them off the floor, letting them sit for a quick sec on each rep. Deads were good work for my grip as well. I was able to blast through the first set of them unbroken but after 2nd and 3rd sets required a stop each.

When I my Dad and I got back with the rower (it is residing at his house for now) I decided to hop on it and pull 500m. I’ve never done a 500m max effort on the rower, and doing it completely cold obviously wasn’t the most efficient way to do it, but I pulled a 1:34 which I think is decent. Given the fact that I wasn’t warm at all, and my legs were pretty tired as this was after I had worked out out earlier in the day, I think I could pull a 1:30. The last 15-20 seconds I really faded. I started at a 1:20 500m pace and ended on a 1:39 500m pace. Solid day of training and looking forward to more tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade